
The products you can buy easily and safely.

All prices listed in our catalog products, both for Italy and for the European Union include VAT (22%);

For countries outside the EU is issued invoice free of VAT.

Recall that local VAT and import taxes vary by country of destination and where applicable, shall be borne by the buyer.       

Our payment methods are: Bank Transfer, Credit Card.

Benefits to pay by bank transfer:

to manage 50% deposit and 50% before delivery (orders over € 500.00) so, as to overcome the limit of some Credit Card Payment, the order will be processed after payment.

The bank details to make payment by bank transfer are:

Header:    Newformsdesign S.n.C.

IBAN:              IT37F0326820400052528758670

Reason:       Indicare numero d'ordine                                  

Bank  :         BANCA SELLA S.p.A. agenzia Monza

For Bank transfers from abroad: Codice Banca SWIFT - BIC:   SELBIT2BXXX

The Extra-EU transfers should have the clause OUR: the amounts credited to us must match the Total Order.

Payment by Credit Card:

The transaction with the Charter is through the electronic system of the e-commerce portal that uses the Secure Server Easy Nolo SpA Banca Sella Group, through the payment platform Gestpay and Paypal; in no time of the purchase the electronic system of the e-commerce portal and no staff member is able to know the number of credit card customer, which is supplied by the customer to the bank's secure server on a Internet secure, encrypted according to the current standards of the market for online payments.